Protector Ethos
How many of us know someone who carries a firearm and never trains with it?
Or maybe we know someone who shoots regularly but is out of shape or doesn’t take care of themselves?
These are a couple of examples, and maybe if you are honest with yourself, you fall into one or both of these categories?
It is our job as men to protect our families and the people close to us. It is not enough just to carry a firearm.
It is not enough just to have the tools, if we have not trained to operate those tools effectively.
If you are not training to be effective with the firearms you own, you are just a gun collector.
Furthermore, if the vessel (your body) is not prepared to operate those tools effectively under stress, you are a liability.
Our job as protectors is to train tactics until we cannot get it wrong, train our bodies and keep them in shape, and keep our minds sharp so if we find ourselves in worst case scenario… we beat the statistics and keep ourselves and our families safe.
The bad guys go after the easy target, so become a hard target. Become hard to kill!